Saturday, 30 April 2016

The Cap: Civil War review

This blog shall be my first dedicated to one film so stick with me as I scratch a new itch. My history of reviewing films mainly consists of two sentence Facebook posts that say “hurrah!” and “splurge” a lot. Today I’m going to write about Captain America Civil War. No spoilers! Hopefully…

First thing that stood out for me, this is very much a sequel to Winter Soldier. A few folk I know have asked why didn’t just call it Avengers but there’s a different tone here and a real focus on that Cap/Bucky relationship from the last film. Like Winter Soldier before it, a lot of the film feels like a spy thriller (albeit with brightly coloured costumes and big open brawls as opposed to stealth) Secrets and lies, misdirection and a lack of trust drives much of the characters motives. And then there’s Bucky, his relationship to Cap being integral to pretty much everything. 

The core argument that leads to the Civil War is also brilliantly done. Despite all the marketing pushing for Team Cap or Team Iron Man, it’s never that clear cut in the film. There is no real right or wrong here, and neither hero has suddenly been portrayed as a villain. Both sides make sense and as they spar on screen, both verbally and punch-punch-headbutt-ingly, you’ll feel for both. It’s not a detailed argument on either side to be fair but it’s enough to set them apart and lead the way to a big old fanboy dream of a fight sequence.

Two teams get assembled and come face to face in what is without any doubt in my mind, Marvels best action sequence ever. Twelve characters (I think) duke it out and every single one them gets their moment to shine. Yes even Hawkeye. Punches and shots are flung about but it’s the quips and character beats that make it perfect. Friends holding back, other friends intent on knocking each other down, one liners and every character without a mask having a look on their face that says “I don’t want to have to do this.” This is not just a series of kids action toys having fisticuffs, it’s a group of expertly developed characters each with motives and emotions. And then there’s funny bits too..

You might not be expecting Spider-Man and Ant-Man to be two of your favourite things about this but well, they will be. Both are similar characters with jokes being used to cover up that they don’t really know what they’re up too. They’re the regular folks, with super powers. Both in a fight that’s bigger than them, alongside heroes they’re in awe of. Neither is confident of their place in this group of titans but they want to do their best, and do the right thing. In visual terms they also happen to be the best of the lot. I’ll admit to a bit of bias with Spider-Man, I’ve always found his movement and swinging as terrific to watch. Its way more fun than watching someone fly. Ant-man... I don’t even want to say. You’ll love it, trust me.

I’m looking at my page length here and thinking I could go on for five times longer, so much to cover, so many thoughts… Pardon my lack of structure as I just fling stuff out there now in excitement

This version of Spider-Man already feels like my favourite, a young Peter Parker with geeky awkwardness and a fast mouth. I am now really excited for his film.
Falcon was flipping superb in this compared to his previous bits. The character was great already but his movement and capability in a fight was really ramped up.
The villain was genius. Subtle, clever and with real reason behind his action. Everything the BvS Luthor wasn’t.
Black Panther was also nifty and had a good chunky role. Not completely sold on a solo film for him yet but there’s promise.
The actual finale and the scene that sets it up… Gut wrenchingly effective. Well played.

Soooo much to talk about, so much to love. Any faults? Barely. Marvels best? It’s a very different film from Guardians, so that comparisons unfair. In strictly superhero terms, with any of these characters… yes it is. It’s genuinely a comic come to life and it’s fudging glorious. Hurrah and splurge.

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