Monday, 18 July 2016

Late to the Party: Pokemon Go

You may have heard of a little app that goes by the name of Pokémon Go… Released in to the wild subtly, with not an advert on the telly, it has just about become the biggest thing ever. Hundreds of articles and tweets have covered this phenomenon, so here I am as a guy who writes blogs for a hobby, being a week too late to say anything really new. 

What a fun week it was though. Social media was filled with stories of people playing the game, of retail inviting people in and of residents sending people away. Pictures of workplace posters telling people to stop playing and memes upon memes of Pokémon filled randomness. I gorged it on it and it was tasty. I didn’t even get the app until Thursday, by which point I was doomed to being late to the biggest party in all of cyberspace. Since then I’ve played it for short bursts, catching those ones that look like pigeons and rats. 

Yes, despite being a long time Nintendo fan I never got in to Pokémon. Don’t even know why. Tried Pokémon Y about 2 years ago and hated it, traded it in. Now I’m asking my mates what you call the one with blonde hair in a dress, you know the one that looks like a fish in drag? 

Point one (for it’s not a completely pointless blog)… Despite not being a fan, and despite not yet finding the app that amazing, I am in love with it. The talking about it, the walking about and seeing other folk playing it, the way it’s taken over popular conscience. I love that people that normally wouldn’t join in gaming chats are intrigued by this app. I am amused by walking around Belfast and knowing that folk I walk past are doing the exact same as me. There’s even been the occasional mutual smirk to acknowledge that yes we’re strangers but we’re geeky as flip. It’s super-secret high five. 

Also related to the same point… It’s a bloody lovely news story. Some people seem intent on mocking the players of it, of criticising it as a childish endeavour. It is childish and it is silly, but after listening to a month of Brexit talk and watching what happened in Nice and Turkey last week… Can’t we just embrace this bit of innocence? It’s been a welcome diversion.

Point two: Will it last? Probably not. It’s got so big, so quickly that it can’t really sustain the momentum. It also relies hugely on the weather, hence releasing in the summer. It’ll be dead by winter. Or I could be wrong, I may have written a blog before declaring Miitomo as the next big thing. 

What’s Miitomo? 


Does it need to last though? Haven’t we all realised yet that this app is just about the largest and most ingenious marketing campaign ever. I said at the top of this blog that the app released without any ads. That’s because it is an ad, for Pokémon. Sales of the 3DS titles went up by 150% in the UK last week. Brand new 3DS Pokémon games release this Christmas for £30 a pop. You’ve got your free app now but many of you will end of buying a game later in the year, if not for yourself then as a present for kids you know. How long till the cards get released? Rumours have picked up that Hollywood’s fighting over rights to a live action movie. New cuddly Jigglypuffs will surely flood stores soon. 

The app may be short term but the brand isn’t. Pokémon has lasted 20 years now and even after this app goes the way of Draw Something (remember that?!) the full games and merchandise will keep chugging along. So many people my age have picked up the app due to nostalgia for games they grew up on, so many younger people have been given their introduction of Pikachu and Squirtle. In 20 years they’ll maybe be buying genetically created Pokémon pets in the next nostalgia laced craze. Or maybe I’m being silly.  Still, being silly can be fun for a time.

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